How Does The CRUKS Netherlands Gambling Protection System Work?

The thing about addiction that most people don’t realize the significance of is that it basically takes moderation off of the table. For example, someone that suffers from alcoholism is essentially prohibited from taking even the smallest sip of alcohol, since there is a pretty good chance that this will bring their addiction back in full force and they may not be able to maintain control over it ever again.

Another facet of addict behavior that is worth mentioning is that addicts will find any way to satisfy their urges that they can get their hands on. The truth of the situation is that this makes it necessary to deprive them of any options as possible.

CRUKS can help out a great deal in that regard. The first thing to know is that CRUKS is een centraal register waarin mensen worden geregistreerd die een gokverslaving hebben of hebben gehad. Deze mensen worden vervolgens uitgesloten van deelname aan alle kansspelen en loterijen in Nederland. Dit om te voorkomen dat ze nog meer in de problemen komen door hun gokgedrag.


Regardless, a gambling addict will still go out looking for betrouwbaar casino zonder cruks. This is because of the fact that they will not be able to feel even the smallest modicum of contentment until and unless they get their next fix, and that makes it rather necessary to report any casinos that you see skirting the rules.

The fact of the matter is that CRUKS is essentially a middle path between violent methods of keeping addictions at bay and allowing them to run wild. Anyone that is experiencing addictive tendencies focused on gambling needs to at the very least consider giving the CRUKS helpline a call. Registration will not take any time at all, and you can also use this to get some mental health support.

The psychologist will have full assurance that you won’t slide back into addiction thanks to CRUKS. That will give them the confidence they need to tackle your tendencies and help guide you to the path of recovery.